Small Business Web Sites
Best Business Websites Rules Can Increase Your Profit.
Ask For An eCurtain Media Business Website Evaluation.
One client said, “I learned more about my business website talking with John Heartfield for one hour than in all the weeks of research I tried to do myself.”
An eCurtain Media Best Business Websites Evaluation examines your entire current website.
You’ll clearly see your website’s strengths and weaknesses.
> How effective is your HOME page at quickly grabbing the attention of potential customers or clients? Remember, you only have about 7 seconds to make them want to know more about you and what you can offer them.
> Are key questions such as “WHO? WHAT? WHERE? WHY? HOW?” clearly answered?
> Is there at least one selling point that will catch a visitor’s eye and cause them to linger?
> Do elements on the HOME page draw the visitor into key areas of your site?
SITE NAVIGATION (Your buttons and options)
> How easy is it for visitors to move through the pages and areas of your site?
> Do visitors always know where they are?
> Is your site well organized?
> Do your options have excellent names (or icons)?
> Will visitors always know where they’re going and what will happen when they choose an option?
TEXT (The text visitors read)
> Does your text reflect the best practices of small business website copy?
> Do you understand the concept of “hunting and pecking” for information?
> Does your text brand you?
> Does it clearly tell visitors what you can do for them?
> Does your text contain researched keywords for Search Engines such as Google and Yahoo?
> Is your overall design attractive and appropriate for your business?
> Is the design scheme consistent throughout the site?
> Are any elements inappropriate for your target audience?
> Are you sure your graphic design items are optimized for Search Engines?
> Has your search engine strategy be implemented by an competent ethical professional. Think of it this way. You wouldn’t want your family doctor to perform brain surgery on you.
> Is your site currently following the basic rules that will improve your SEO ranking?
> Is the text visible on your pages optimized with keywords relevant to a search by clients attempting to find your type of services?
> What further steps should you immediately take to improve your current search engine ranking?
> Do unexpected actions occur when visitors choose an option on your site?
> Is your text free of typos?
> Does your site frustrate visitors in ways you might not expect?Nothing is worse than a frustrated customer or client. They immediately become customers or clients that aren’t going to give you business.
What you see above is examples. If you can think of specific issues that you’d like to discuss with eCurtain, please send an email.
eCurtain Media provides practical suggestions as to how your site can be improved as quickly and cost effectively as possible.
Let’s spend some time talking at your convenience. We’ll discuss your website goals and your desired audience.
We’ll clarify what you want the site to accomplish, what role it plays in your business, and what audience you’re seeking.
What are the features and/or modifications you might consider making to your current website.
eCurtain Media’s suggestions and recommendations are tailored to your goals and your type of business.
To give you an idea, here’s a general list of some recommendations eCurtain Media clients have implemented in the past:
1) Include something “sticky” on the website. Something that brings visitors back to your site multiple times.
2) Increase the recognition factor of the business through basic networking techniques.
3) Provide appropriate ways for visitors to view professional events where they can meet
the business owner in person. This is not only a plausible way to meet potential clients. It
also automatically keeps the site “fresh” for search engine “spiders.” A website that stays the same for too long looks “stale” to the digital mind of Google.
4) Include credible testimonials from former clients.
5) Check if video is appropriate. Site visitors love video. However, your target audience needs the “bandwidth” (connection speed) do it well.
6) If your site is not an e-commerce site, consider spicing up your site with some appropriate multimedia programming. However, always avoid moving text or anything that blinks!
7) If you’re about to built a business site, consider creating it with WordPress rather than HTML/CSS/JS. WordPress can be easier to expand and maintain. It also provides a better a better experience for the very large and growing audience that accesses the Internet with smart phones and tablets.